Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Phil 1:6 One of My Most Favorite Bible Verses!!

For some reason I have been having the blues lately. Not sure why really. Maybe because we have been having some over cast days, and not seeing a lot of sunshine, or the up coming holidays, or just maybe hormones.......

But I love it when, the Holy Spirit prompts my mind with scripture. I was feeling lousy and all of the sudden the Steve Green song "He who began a good work in you" started pouring out of my mouth. Do you ever have that sort of thing happen to you? I went over to www.youtube.com and found this clip. I thought I would share it with you.

The book of Philippians is one of my favorite books too. The Apostle Paul is amazing. No matter what, he knows that Jesus is always there! And I am so thankful that God lead Paul to write this wonderful letter to the ancient church of Phillipi, and also it speaks right to my heart today in 2009! Amen!!

So I hope you enjoy this music and that it speaks to you like it did me. God's not finished with me or you yet!


Ruby Red Slippers said...

What a great reminder today...I love it!

Lois Christensen said...

A beautiful verse, a beautiful song! Thanks!

Unknown said...

Psalm 91 is my favorite chapter of the bible... I love the fact that it shows that even those called and anointed by God can have rough days.. but He is still God in the midst of it all

Together We Save said...

Thanks for putting a smile on my face!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Awesome. Thank you for the reminder. My God is an awesome God.
I think that the Holidays are starting to stress me, so much to do! Breathe Debby, Just Breathe!