Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I Am Getting My Garden Together!

Some of you May remember in an earlier post I asked for some gardening advice. Well, I got a little, from several readers and now I am off to try out my green thumb!

I went with my Mama to Lowe's on Saturday and decided on what plants I am going to use. I have a really pretty tree that is planted along the edge of our yard close to the street, right by the mail box. I am going to by some of the edger blocks and build up the area around the tree.

Last summer, I planted a few things around the tree, but all the soil I put there washed away when it rained. So Mama gave me the great advice to build up the area, so the soil can't wash away. Have any of you ever used these brick edgers? But I was excited to see that a couple of my plants that I planted, did survive the Chicago winter.

I am planning on planting Creeping phlox under my tree. I also found a the cutest wrought iron wheel barrel that someone left by the curb for the garbage man to pick up. I saved it and I think, but not sure that I will be planting geraniums in it, or maybe impatiens.

My camera is broken, so I am going to have to buy a new one. Sorry I can provide any pictures of the yard.

I am feeling some better today. Not so much tummy problems. But I am still taking it easy. Thanks for the prayers!!

I am just wondering, what's the spring weather like at your house? Here it's 36 degrees, and we are expecting a few snow flakes. Ughhhh!! I want warm sunshine. The weatherman promises that by Saturday we are going to hit 80 degrees. I'll believe it when I see it.

Remember to pray for Stellan, as he is having his surgery today.

Love Ya, Renee


Denise said...

Praying for you to grow a beautiful garden.

Laurie in Ca. said...

Hey Renee,

I'm so glad you are getting your gardening on!! It is so much fun and relaxing and rewarding. I too collect junk at curbside to use for planting containers. Geraniums are perfect for the wheelbarrow. I have my neighbors retired wheelbarrow and it is full of them. Do you have lemon geraniums where you live? They are beautiful and the leaves smell like lemon when you touch them or water them. I could send you a cutting if you'd like. They grow like weeds and will take lots of neglect. Not that we want to neglect our plants but you know what I mean. Enjoy the cool weather while you are planting, they won't wilt as much. Get down and dirty, it is good for the soul:) Thanks so much for visiting me. And keep feeling better too.

Love and Hugs, Laurie

KatBouska said...

I want to get out in the yard a little more this year too. The weather has been NICE this week...up to 70 today, but tomorrow it's supposed to rain again so I won't be weeding. ;)

More Than Words said...

Hi Renee!
It sounds like you are on the right track w/ your gardening!! I'm sure it's all going to work out great! It sounds like you have some good ideas already!!

Oh my gosh..it has been so hot the last couple of days. Both in the mid 90's!!!!! But, it's supposed to cool down by the weekend!

Southern Fried Gal said...

Hello! Just ran across your blog and had to send a little southern love your way! I need to plant some creeping phlox as well. DH loves that and he asks me to every year. Can't wait to see pictures of everything! Good luck!