Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Yep, It's a Snow Day!!

Last night (Monday) it started snowing. The weather man said "it's going to be a relentless snow". He was right 24hrs later, it's still snowing. It's not supposed to stop until around noon tomorrow (Wednesday).

Handy had fun out in it today. I didn't have quite as much fun. Note to self, when getting snow off the car, try not to wipe it towards self, because the wind will blow it all in your face. (yep, I had that happen.) This southern girl, still has a lot to learn, when it comes to snow.


More Than Words said...

Wow, that snow is everywhere!!!

How are ya, Renee? How are the kids?

Yankee Girl said...

I am so unhappy with the snow. Really. When is Spring coming?

Winter can suck it.

Thanks for coming by my blog!

Lois Christensen said...

I didn't mind the snow, until our power went out. But when it came back on 4 hours later, I realized how pretty everything was. Your dog is adorable!